Super-Secret Post Originally composed end-of-January Well, no April Fools psych for us this year. (Back at school I used to pull big whoppers every year, so I was thinking if we could announce it could be late on the 31st, which would show up as early on the 1st for my friends who are three time zones ahead. They wouldn’t be sure if I were kidding and I wouldn’t even be posting on April 1. But, it wasn’t meant to […]
Super-Secret Post* Originally composed end-of-December It’s after 12 weeks after the beginning of December and I can report that while on the gloomy side of things, we were not pregnant at the end of December, the silver lining is that this blog’s title is suitably ironic now. I thought it would be because there would be so many unexpected things with pregnancy, birth, and parenting, but TTC carries its own basket of goodies. But irony is a must in a […]
Super-Secret Post* Originally composed end-of-November I’d been having trouble with time flying by too fast, unable to keep track of what season it was, let alone what month. Little did I know that all I needed to do to fix that was try to get pregnant. Our first month is a bust as of today. We have to wait a whole month until we know what’s happening next. I blame a poorly timed business trip my husband had to take. […]