Super-Secret Post
Originally written at the end of month 13
Final exams, our apartment being robbed, and Christmas kind of took my mind off of things this cycle. We’re starting to lose steam for the effort we can put in to trying… we’re often sick or I’m really busy with school and already dipping in to sleep time. We struggle with making the additional effort vs. not letting sex become a chore.
I wanted to get our referral to a specialist before the Christmas break in case there was a long wait. Unfortunately, I was running around getting my wallet contents (and wallet for that matter) replaced instead. What’s another few weeks of waiting? You’d be surprised.
But after a year of trying, we are officially infertile, by definition. There’s no official confirmation required; we’re part of that other 15% when you hear the statistic, usually in the context of birth control, that 85% of couples having unprotected sex for a year end up pregnant.
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