Super-Secret Post Originally written at the beginning of Month 6 (Mid-March) I spent a lot of time regrouping after my “take charge” plan failed so flat last round and decided to try the “not trying” thing. Ridiculous, right? I know it’s not supposed to be a strategy, sort of, you know, by definition, but I’ll take a swing at it anyway.
Super-secret Post Originally written end-of-month-#5 March: no. Didn’t have much time to dwell on it since I was busy having a great time back where I went to school. Did drink myself slightly sick and accidentally send my confidant under the table. The only other thing to mention is that the month labels start to fail soon, so the next “month” is March/April. Turns out a month is not 26 days.
Super-secret Post Originally written beginning-of-month-#5 (“March”)) During March, I am super-paranoid about factors under my control.