Categotry Archives: TTC

The First IUI

Super-Secret Post Originally written throughout month 21

The Diagnosis

Super-Secret Post Originally written at the beginning of month 19 This cycle, we got an anvil. At this stage, we are becoming more reserved with the detail we share. You’ll hear some of the consequences of the diagnosis, but if we omit details, it’s probably on purpose. We have a non-treatable condition that reduces our chances of conceiving a child naturally to “it could happen, maybe, with enough time.” This condition often responds to the more-routine interventions offered by fertility […]

A Very Specialist Appointment

Note: Since these posts were written so far in the past (generally at least 3 calendar months), my mental state is usually very different by the time you read them. So don’t worry too much about my bad moods. I have a few people in an inner circle who get everything in real-time and are being super-awesome at keeping me sane (props to you!). Super-Secret Post Originally written late in month 17 We’re headed to the specialist tomorrow for our […]

Infertility Etiquette

A tangential point to common conversation topics that come up: here’s an interesting link  about infertility etiquette. While these won’t be issues for everyone, they are some common pitfalls to avoid to stay on the safe side. I can tell you that some of these are most definitely buttons for me. Also, here’s a way to frame support and kvetching: comfort in, dump out. I can’t hold myself together while at the same time supporting your problems that are directly […]

Two Years or Not Two Years; and, Stress Revisited

One recurring question we’ve been asked is: why seek help at one year? Other parts of the world use two years as a benchmark. In Britain, I wonder if the 2 year wait is influenced by the fact that the NHS can cover fertility treatment (behind a massive wait list*). (Treatment is alternatively offered privately.*) (*Source: British expat in my support group.) But the way I’ve always thought of it is: why would I wait to get checked out? We […]

Testing Here, Testing There, Testing Testing Everywhere!

Super-Secret Post Originally written month 16 (beginning, middle, and end) Here beginnith the testing.

The December Non-News

Super-Secret Post Originally written at the end of month 13 Final exams, our apartment being robbed, and Christmas kind of took my mind off of things this cycle. We’re starting to lose steam for the effort we can put in to trying… 

The November Non-News

Super-Secret Post Originally written at the end of month 12 Just one cycle to go until we get* to go to the doctor. We’ll be out of town so by the time we’re able to see someone we’ll be past the point of any effectiveness in month 14. I’m starting to realize what a disaster my over-organized temperament will wreak on fertility treatments.

The October/November Non-News

Super-Secret Post Originally written at the end of month 11 I didn’t have many recorded thoughts. My schoolwork would be doing an amazing job of taking my mind off of things except that it means I’m surrounded by young children constantly.

Catching Up On Non-News

Super-Secret Post Originally written end of months 9 and 10 I had some personal stuff get in the way of posting; I had meant to get back into my schedule of updating you at the 3-month mark at the beginning of December to mark 3 months after our summer break. The good news is that I have one term of my Early Childhood Education program completed; the bad news is that the first two cycles after our break were still […]