Concerning Weeks 4-7 of first successful pregnancy I learned early on a hard lesson about denial and how much one is in control of one’s own experience in pregnancy. I found myself more pregnant than I’d ever been and without any signs out of the ordinary. Totally textbook: no bleeding, nice and bright positive home tests, fine labs. Enough that we told our immediate family right away. (Who were well trained, by the way — “We’re pregnant.” “For real?”) But […]
10 days post IUI: “Fucking trigger!” After blogging that, I couldn’t help but laugh at how TROLL my body is. “OH YOU WANT A NEGATIVE HOME TEST? HAHAHAHAHAHA HERE’S A POSITIVE ONE! I THOUGHT YOU ALWAYS WANTED POSITIVE ONES!” 12 days post IUI: “Um, that line is not any fainter than the last one.” Around this time Facebook offered to post the most recent photos from my phone when I used the app, to hilarious effect. “No thanks Facebook, I […]
Super-Secret Post Concerning cycles 51, 52, and 53 (November and December 2015 and January 2016) Faced with trying IVF again after only producing a single transferable embryo over two rounds — costing immense amounts of money, time, and pain — I wanted to make sure we had exhausted less-invasive and less-expensive treatment first. After all, we had been pregnant twice on IUIs and zero times on IVF so it seemed to make sense to focus there. We purchased a three-pack […]
This post is stickied. If you would like to see new posts be sure to scroll down. I’m currently more than a year behind the blog. The next post I have planned, if I can get it posted on time, will catch me up to a year behind, and then the posts are going to be more general instead of cycle by cycle. The reason is: we finally had success with IUI#7 and our son was born October 2016. If […]
Super-secret post Originally composed Cycle 50 (early November, 2015) We were able to see our doctor fairly quickly to get a debrief on the new info gained from a second failed IVF on a completely different medication protocol. Basically, the doctor was stumped. She had no idea why I wasn’t making embryos with IVF.
Super-Secret Post Concerning cycles 47, 48, and 49 (August, September, and early October 2015) This post is really long. I’ve decided to add a tl;dr section. Our doctor didn’t care that we had a third loss in our preceding IUI since it was so early as to be deemed diagnostically insignificant. This seems to be consistent with other practices. We proceeded with a slightly different round of meds to try to improve my egg quality and resulting embryos, over the […]
Super-Secret Post Concerning cycles 44, 45, and 46 (May, June, and July 2015) In May, we kicked off a “three-pack” of IUIs. Our clinic has a pricing option where you pay upfront 200% the price of one IUI and get three credits. You can use those credits within a two-year window unless you have a live birth from one; in that case you lose any unused credit. But basically it’s no extra money unless you get pregnant on the first […]
Super-Secret Post Concerning cycle 44 (Mid-May, 2015) In mid-May we had our debrief after the roller coaster of the last 6 months of IVF and its protracted fall-out.
Waiting for post-IVF follow up Super-Secret Post Concerning cycle 43 (approximately April 2015) In between our cancelled FET and our follow up 6 weeks later we were on the road three times and went to our local ComicCon. To say we kept busy is an understatement. The first and third outings were road trips back to where we went to university, but the middle trip was 4 days in New York to see a taping of The Daily Show (and […]
Super-Secret Post Concerning cycle 42 (approximately March 2015) Ah yes. Cycle 42. The answer to life, the universe, and everything. The second frozen embryo transfer had the upside of familiarity going for it. We already knew the protocol and were familiar with all the medication and schedule. This was only the second time ever in our treatments that we were repeating the same thing as the previous cycle, and knew exactly what to expect.